How to stop draughts in windows

Sealing your windows against drafts is very important if you want your home to feel warm and cosy now that it is getting cooler outside. Not only will this job make you feel better, but it will also help your bank account.
The Energy Saving Trust says sealing gaps around windows and doors could save you around £60 a year. This amount is based on an average gas-powered semi-detached home in England, Scotland, or Wales.
It would help if you worked on the whole thing to completely seal off your home from drafts, but your windows are a great place to begin. Here, you will know How to stop draughts in windows. Let's begin!
The best Techniques for Draft-proofing Windows
You can keep drafts out of your windows in several ways, some of which are easy, cheap, and can be done by yourself. Other methods, like installing new double-glazed uPVC windows, will require a longer-term investment and may require calling in experts.
We'll discuss the best and cheapest methods to maximise your windows here. If you employ even one of these methods to keep drafts out, you'll notice a significant difference in how warm your house feels. It will work even better if you use more than one of the ways together.
Lastly, while sealing your uPVC windows, you should consider other parts of your home that could use the same treatment. First, you should ensure there are no drafts around your front door, mailbox, chimney, or loft.
Use self-adhesive draft strips for draughts proofing windows
Putting weather seals or weather stripping between the windows and their frames is one of the best-known and most common ways to keep drafts out. If you're looking for ways to protect your home, this is definitely something you should think about.
This method works quickly and well, and what's even better is that it doesn't cost much. You can get self-adhesive rolls of draft seal for as little as £3 each. Purchase items such as this Door and Window Draught Excluder Strip from Amazon. It comes in rolls and is ready to be cut to the correct length for your windows. If your window frames are white, you can also get it that way.
It's essential to ensure the weather strip you choose and put on your window is the right size. If it's too big, it will get squashed and stop your windows from closing, and if it's too small, there will still be holes for drafts to get through.
Use wiper strips or brush seals.
Instead of self-adhesive foam weather seals, you can use brush seals, spring metal, or v-strips, which typically only cost a few pounds more.
Often, brush seals come in two parts, different from foam weather seals. They are usually formed of a "pile carrier," a recessed plastic or metal strip designed to adhere to the window frame. The second part is a soft brush attached to the window, also called a "pile" strip. When the window is closed, this strip slots into the carrier to keep drafts out.
If it gets worn down, this kind of product may need to be replaced after a few years, just like draft plugs. Check out Fowong Draught Excluder Tape from Amazon. It comes in several different colours. Instead of foam draft excluder strips, brush seals are a good, strong option.
Seal gaps by applying caulk or silicone
To caulk windows, use a silicone gun to fill any gaps between the frame and the wall and any seams within and outside the frame.
If you don't mind having your windows fixed shut (for safety reasons, this can't be done if the window is needed as an escape route), you could also use silicone glue to close them up.
Either way, you should first remove any old sealant or flaky paint. Then, clean the windows with sugar soap or something similar to remove any leftover soapy residue. Finally, make sure the windows are completely dry.
Attach window film directly onto the glass.
Window film is usually considered a way to make windows more private or just for looks. But did you know that it can also help keep your home warmer?
You should get window insulation film, not just decorative film, but as long as you do that, this is a cheap and easy do-it-yourself project that can be completed quickly. The film can also be taken off if it's no longer required.
Thermal window insulating film is constructed of plastic and is often available in packages, such as the Stormguard kit, for £10.30. These kits come with the tape you need to stick the film in place, but some goods attach themselves.
To ensure this way of sealing windows works, you should keep a few things in mind. Most importantly, ensure your uPVC windows are spotlessly clean before using them, and strictly adhere to the instructions that come with them. When cutting the film to the proper size, the instructions typically state to allow a little additional room around the borders.
You will also need to make sure that the film doesn't have any cracks or wrinkles. Often, you will need to use heat to shrink it to fit well, which is where a hairdryer comes in handy.
Apply a temporary window-sealing product.
Some beneficial goods on the market are now made to completely seal up any gaps in the window. These can be quickly taken off when the weather gets better again.
The Gapseal temporary sealant is one of the best-known. It is a bendable sealer with everything you need to put it. It fits on windows with 2 mm to 7 mm gaps and grows to fill the space once it's in place. It's easy to take off and can be used more than once, which is handy.
Check locks and hinges.
Some easy things can be done to fix a draughty home when the windows aren't in their proper place.
Hinges and locks are incredibly annoying, but fixing any problems with ones that are broken or loose will really make things better.
For hinges, it's usually all about keeping them in good shape. Cleaning and greasing them a couple of times a year should keep rust from building up. You can also use this time to ensure they haven't come loose and left gaps. You might need new hinges if there are significant gaps between the window frames and the window.
Also, check the locks on your windows. Broken locks can often keep windows from closing properly. This will not only let air in but also make your home insurance policy null and void.
Locks may need to be tightened sometimes, but other times, they may need to be replaced entirely.
Invest in thermal curtains.
Thermal curtains and blinds are surprisingly good when making a house more comfortable and energy efficient. They can also be used by people who want to keep their homes from getting too hot in the summer.
To get the best results, make sure you buy a good product. When shopping for thermal blinds, look for ones that have small honeycomb holes that are made to trap and hold onto warm air.
If you're worried about how much new curtains will cost, you could buy just the heated linings. Different ones have different ways of attaching to existing curtains. The Pencil Pleat Blackout Curtain Linings from Dunelm are made to clip on, making the process easy. Find out more by reading our help on "Do thermal curtains work."
Opt for a draught snake to block drafts.
A draught snake, also called a draught excluder, is easy to install and doesn't cost much money. These long, slender cushions are meant to be put on window sills to fill in any gaps at the base of the window.
It is essential to get the correct length for your windows. Some people make their own.
Do not discard the bubble wrap.
Some people might not like this method, but bubble wrapping your uPVC windows is something you should think about if you want a cheap, easy, and effective way to insulate them.
Some experts say you should mist the windows with water before you tape bubble wrap to the window (bubble side to glass).
Amy Willis from Homebuilding & Renovating, who is currently fixing up an old house in the countryside of Suffolk, tried the method.
If fail all, contemplate installing a secondary
It might be cheaper to install secondary glazing than the other ways in this guide, but it is an excellent alternative to getting new double glazing. It's also possible to do it yourself, and conservation officers usually don't mind if you do it to protected homes or properties in conservation areas.
There are different kinds of secondary glass. Some are meant to stop drafts temporarily and can be quickly taken in and out as needed, while others are meant to stay in place forever. Adding extra glass that opens and slides like standard windows is also possible. A narrow second window is usually added to the inside of existing window frames when putting secondary glass.
There are a lot of different frame materials for secondary glass, such as uPVC windows, metal, and wood, so it can fit most homes. People used to be afraid that adding secondary glazing would ruin the beautiful look of their original windows, so people who wanted to know how to draught-proof sash uPVC windows didn't use this method. But now, several specialised companies make secondary glass pieces that fit well with old windows.
A few people install secondary glass on their own, but most hire professionals to do the job. This is the last thing that I want to say. Extra windows can also help block out noise if you live on a busy road.
Finally, it is essential to prevent draughts from your home, but you should also ensure that your home has enough airflow so that you don't have to deal with mould or damp problems or how to stop window condensation.
If you're trying to insulate, don't block window drip vents. Also, if you have a wood-burning stove, learn how much airflow it needs. Reach out to us today and discover how new uPVC windows can make a substantial difference in your home.